
Generate your MonKey account on Linux using the CLI application.

How do I generate one?

To use the CLI version of the generator, compile the program from the source code or download the latest release here. To generate a MonKey, you need to create a config.txt file.

## Sample config file ##

# Lines that start with a hash mark (#) are comments.
# You should include each category that you want an accessory from.
# Non-included categories will be regarded as "Any".
glasses: any
hats: none
misc: bowtie, camera, none
# etc.

# There are also two additional variables for settings.

# request-amount sets the amount of requests in each batch.
request-amount: 100 # 100 is the default value.

# log-data logs the result to a .txt file if set true.
log-data: true # false is the default value.

You can find the detailed list of accessory names here.

To open the application, open Terminal and navigate to the application's installed directory. Use chmod 777 to give the application executable permission.

chmod 777 VanityMonKeyGenerator

You can now run the app using


If you have set the config.txt file correctly, you will be greeted with the following screen.

Press "Enter" to start your search for a MonKey. The generator will now try to find a Banano account with a MonKey that matches your specifications.

Now, you can copy the seed to any Banano wallet to use your account with the MonKey you want!

Last updated